About Me

I am a mom of a pre-kindergartner and one almost-toddler. I am extremely grateful to be starting this homeschool adventure while my sons are still small. It is a joy for me to be the one teaching and watching the learning happen as it happens. I am so glad that I will be the one to continue down this path with them allowing them to learn according to their learning styles and interests. If one day one wants to do a month on dinosaurs, construction trucks, or even pokemon then I will make it work! I will find a way to make all the subjects work around those themes.

I have been researching our homeschool adventure since February 2009 when we decided this is what we wanted for our son. I am constantly amazed at how much information is out there! There are tons of free resources for all of your homeschooling needs. Free curriculum, free e-books, free teaching resources, etc. The list just goes on and on.

I love spending time researching all things related to homeschooling! That is why I created Homeschooling Adventures as a resource for not only myself but for all homeschooling families. I want to use this blog as an extension of that site/resource and I hope that people find it just as useful! I've had a lot of people thank me for putting together Homeschooling Adventures. I had a blog set up on there but I really wasn't too happy with the format so I moved on over to blogspot and here I am!

I would love to meet you so please drop a comment so that we can talk!


PS: There are some affiliate links in the posts, all that means is that I get a small commission if you purchase through my link. It will never cost more to go through my link nor do I want you to feel like I'm just trying to make a buck off of you. I welcome you to purchase my recommendations directly through the sellers if you prefer.