Snowed In!!

In our homeschool this week…
We have been snowed in so it's been a very unusual week! We don't often get a lot of snow and we really got dumped on!
It was great to get out in it with the kids, to watch the youngest experience snow for the first time. He really was not impressed at all - which I found to be hilarious! I tried and tried to get just one picture of him smiling in the snow but he wouldn't have anything to do with that. The pictures were all still adorable (of course!) but it's just so funny how he refused to smile.
My oldest (5yo) had an absolute blast - of course! All pictures of him were full of huge happy smiles. He and dad built a very impressive fort which drew attention from all of the neighborhood boys.
The kids  and I haven't left the street in well over a week! I was sick prior to the snowfall so it's actually closer to two weeks since we've gone anywhere. Talk about living up to a homeschool myth!! :)
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
Don't worry about what others think. Seriously, it's not worth the time or energy. You are doing this because it's right for your family and not because you think others are doing something wrong. It's about giving our family what our family needs.
I am inspired by…
The love that I see my two boys have for each other. It not only melts my heart but it really does inspire me!
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
Hah - just the snow!
My favorite thing this week was…
Watching my little one make the transition from mostly crawling to being a full time walker! 
Although trying to keep up with him is another story. I am reminded why baby gates are called baby gates!
I’m cooking…
A lot of very basic stuff since we were badly due for a shopping trip before the snow suddenly hit. 
I’m grateful for…
The snow finally melting! Feeling better (mostly) and extra time with my kids (since I run a home daycare and had three full days of no daycare kids).
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
(First picture of my boys on this blog! We're not ones to post pictures of our kids online to the public.)


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