Our Pre-K Curriculum

As I mentioned in my last post I have been very busy with a lot of things over the last week or so.

Preparing our Pre-K curriculum has been one thing that I've been working on actively.

I am excited about our curriculum for this year - as I was about our preschool curriculum last year!

I enjoy creating something that provides direction, plenty of learning opportunities, and flexibility. I am all about hands-on learning, exploring and discovering through play. I use flashcards, tracing, worksheets and similar products at a minimum. They are useful tools that teach certain skills but I don't rely on them too heavily.

Because I run a home preschool the curriculum that I am using for my son is also the same curriculum that I am using for the preschool as well.

I designed the curriculum for my son but I will alter as needed for the preschool kids. Most of them are right about his age so thankfully they will mostly all be on the same page which will be fun - and convenient for me!

This is a very hands-on curriculum. We are going to use a wide variety of activities to encourage reading skills as well as other important skill for this age.

Singing songs, listening to stories, flashcards for letter sounds, number flashcards, calendar to discuss days of the week, numbers and weather. We have an open discussion time for each child to discuss what is on their mind.

We dramatize stories, nursery rhymes, bible stories, community jobs, animal life, family roles, and much more through acting them out and also with the use of puppets and finger puppets.

We use many different types of artistic materials to create, sometimes the activities are teacher directed and other times the children are given materials to create and explore with independently.

We are going to use an early phonics curriculum to promote beginning reading skills. We also use worksheets, tracing, creatives, puzzles, and much more. The more hands-on it is the more fun the kids have learning! The children also listen to stories which is a very important part of learning to read. We also have cards for matching and putting words together. We use discovery by finding numbers around the room on posters, in books, etc.

Tracing, sorting, building, puzzles, blocks. We have a wide range of activities to promote early math skills including games, puzzles, legos, building blocks, tinker toys, lincoln logs, counting tokens, etc. We also use discovery to find numbers around the room.

Science, exercise and learning games are also very important components to our learning to read curriculum. We have very basic science experiments and activities for the children to learn basic concepts of science. We get outside regularly and get a lot of exercise on a daily basis. We have many board games which promote early learning.

(Image Credit)


Pam said...

I sometimes think that I would like to homeschool. My son will be 3 at Christmas and he already knows his alphabet, colors, numbers, shapes and about 20 sight words.

Glad to have found your site through blog hops.


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